#1797 Ekleme Tarihi 04/04/2018 05:41:01
Exclusive: The Circassian central midfielder hopes to make his late father proud once more when CSKA Moscow take on Arsenal in the Europa League quarter-finals

These are emotional and significant days for CSKA Moscowmidfielder Bibars Natcho. Less than two weeks a;, he made history by becoming the first Muslim and the first Circassian to captain the Israeli national team, in a friendly fixture against Romania. On Tuesday, the family marked a decade since Natcho's father Akram died suddenly and unexpectedly of cardiac arrest, and it is impossible to ignore the symbolic proximity of the two events.

"It is a great honour for me to be the national team captain, and it was one of my dad's wishes," Natcho tells The Independent ahead of the Europa League clash against Arsenal on Thursday. "I have always known what he wanted from me. My dad's influence on me as a person was immense. He thought that I should become a leader everywhere I ; – not just another player in the squad. He was very proud when I captained the youth teams at all levels. It was only natural that doing the same for the senior national team became one of my targets. I am glad to gradually make all my dad's wishes come true."

The Circassians are an ethnic group, most of whom live in Russia and Turkey, but there are communities in the Middle East as well, including about 5,000 people in Israel. "The captaincy is important for our community. I have always felt their support, and it is a very special moment for them as well. They are proud," Natcho says.

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